Yellow lampworked glass pendant



Electroforming is an electrochemical process where copper is dissolved from one object and deposited on another. I source my copper “donor” materials from a plumbing company, so their waste product is actually recycled into my pieces.

The copper on this piece is not finished in any way. Copper patinas naturally over time, dependent on the environment it is in. You can be assured the finish will change, but just HOW it changes will depend on its owner. You can use any commercial silver polish to keep the item shiny, or let it patina naturally for years to come. I am a fan of a product called “Simichrome” to keep pieces shiny and protected, when desired.



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SKU: yellowlamp Category:


Two toned, lampworked glass disc with copper electroformed loop for hanging.


Approximately 1.75″ long and 1″ wide